Men's Brown Suede Double Monks, Navy Vertical Striped Dress Pants, White Dress Shirt, Blue Overcoat

Men's Brown Suede Double Monks, Navy Vertical Striped Dress Pants, White Dress Shirt, Blue Overcoat

We love how this pairing of a blue overcoat and navy vertical striped dress pants instantly makes any man look elegant and stylish. Throw brown suede double monks into the mix et voila, the ensemble is complete.

Blue Overcoat Blue Overcoat White Dress Shirt White Dress Shirt Navy Vertical Striped Dress Pants Navy Vertical Striped Dress Pants Brown Suede Double Monks Brown Suede Double Monks Brown Leather Briefcase Brown Leather Briefcase Brown Tie Brown Tie Navy Scarf Navy Scarf Black Leather Gloves Black Leather Gloves Navy Socks Navy Socks